1698 Jones St Suite 1, Brawley, CA 92227
Ph. (760) 554 6713, (619) 886 5971
Baja Voodoo
Baja Voodoo
USA l 1698 Jones St Suite 1, Brawley, CA 92227
Imperial Valley California
ph: USA: 760 554 6713
SELECTIONS: Products : Accessories : Teraflex : Flex Arms
TER1615766 Teraflex Lower Flexarms for TJ Our Price: $182.39 Use coupon code SAVE10 at checkout and save 10% on this product. Coupon can be used for online or phone orders. Teraflex FlexArms have a unique design and function that deliver the best highway driveability available in performance control arms. The specialized design minimizes stress on frame and axle mounts, and results in greater axle movement. The FlexArm bushing and sleeve design provides the best highway steering control and minimizes darting and road wander. Simple adjustments to FlexArms will... | |
TER1643866 Teraflex Upper Front Control Arms for TJ/XJ/ZJ Our Price: $317.99 Use coupon code SAVE10 at checkout and save 10% on this product. Coupon can be used for online or phone orders. Teraflex FlexArms have a unique design and function that deliver the best highway driveability available in performance control arms. The specialized design minimizes stress on frame and axle mounts, and results in greater axle movement. The FlexArm bushing and sleeve design provides the best highway steering control and minimizes darting and road wander. Simple adjustments to FlexArms will... | |
TER1644866 Teraflex Upper Rear Adjustable FA for TJ Our Price: $194.74 Use coupon code SAVE10 at checkout and save 10% on this product. Coupon can be used for online or phone orders. Teraflex FlexArms have a unique design and function that deliver the best highway driveability available in performance control arms. The specialized design minimizes stress on frame and axle mounts, and results in greater axle movement. The FlexArm bushing and sleeve design provides the best highway steering control and minimizes darting and road wander. Simple adjustments to FlexArms will... | |
TER1693776 Teraflex Offset Control LF Control Arms for WJ Our Price: $496.99 Use coupon code SAVE10 at checkout and save 10% on this product. Coupon can be used for online or phone orders. Teraflex FlexArms have a unique design and function that deliver the best highway driveability available in performance control arms. The specialized design minimizes stress on frame and axle mounts, and results in greater axle movement. The FlexArm bushing and sleeve design provides the best highway steering control and minimizes darting and road wander. Simple adjustments to FlexArms will... |
Copyright 2011 Baja Voodoo. All rights reserved.
Baja Voodoo
USA l 1698 Jones St Suite 1, Brawley, CA 92227
Imperial Valley California
ph: USA: 760 554 6713